Friday, March 10, 2017

 “Are Challenging Trials Gifts from God?”

If your first thoughts to this topical question are something like this: “No, not really”, or “Well, I generally don’t have the mindset that difficult challenges are gifts”, or “Frustrations, yes - gifts no”. I don’t know about you, but I think of gifts as something that are pleasant to receive, for which I am thankful because it’s clear that someone with the gesture of their gift has intended to make me feel loved and special.  One would think that unwrapping a gift should bring the expected smile to one’s face.  Well, those might be my first thoughts as well, but God’s Word from one of my recent devotionals prompted me to perhaps look at it from another perspective.   It’s a passage from James, one of the shortest books in the New Testament, three chapters jam-packed with HUGE “life lesson gems” to guide us through life.  It’s great reading if you haven’t read through it in a while.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” James 1:2-3

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when Has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God Has promised to those who love him." James 1:12

I know that challenges are faced by everyone, some far greater than others, and some to the point where you many just want to give up because they seem too great to handle. I’ve been there before and maybe you have as well, where there’s a feeling of helplessness and of where do I go from here.   I’ve actually had these kinds of conversations with God (believing He’s listening as I’m feeling sorry for myself),i.e., “What’s God intending for me to get out of these difficult and challenging events?  What’s the point of all this?” This may be exactly where God wants me to be because it is during these times that He likely is getting my undivided attention because I am forced to admit that I can’t resolve it by myself without seeking His help.  When will I learn that, without Him, I can do absolutely nothing? (John 15:4-5) Hopefully, sooner rather than later.  I admit that my faith is tested when I face challenges, but as I am maturing in my walk with  Him, I can also state, that when these I get through the challenges, I know that doing so was not on my own strength, but His.

Well, I don’t know that I answered my topical question, or just gave us something to think about.  Simply put, “everything” is a gift from God, and He will use it all for His purposes.  If the difficult and challenging times make us get down on our knees more and more, seeking Him to help us get through them, there’s likely nothing more pleasing to Him.  So, let’s think about the gifts most of us have already received this morning as we’ve started our day – we awoke, had shelter through the night, had  food to eat, had a car to drive us to our intended destination,  were greeted with  a beautiful  day filled with sunshine, loved ones around us, and the list goes on. Thank you God for putting smiles on our faces and making us feel special today as we remember Your gifts.

Have a very blessings-filled weekend and week. We welcome you to join us Sundays at Grace Harbor for Children’s Sunday School and Adult Bible Study at 9:00 a.m. and Sunday Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.

Love In Him, 

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