Friday, December 30, 2016

 What is a year? 365 days?

     The holy language of scripture calls a year shannah, which also means the duplicate or the repeat.  The nature of nature is to repeat; winter, spring, summer and fall.
     So, now I have a new year before me, and what kind of year will it be?  I am such a creature of habit and gravitate towards doing what I have done before i.e.: same routines and courses, even if they are harmful to me.  (I’m thinking of the 17th Grill’s cinnamon knots.)  So, what will this New Year, the shannah, be for me?
     Shannah has a double meaning.  It not only means the repeat…it also means the change.  How can the same word mean the opposite?  The way of the world is to repeat – but the way of God is the way of newness and change.  You can’t know God and not be changed by knowing Him, and His will.  The New Year ahead will be not a time of repetition, but of change and new beginnings, new steps, of breaking out of the old.  This comes from the choice He gives us.  If you want to experience a year of new things, you must choose to live, not in the repetition of the natural, but in the newness of the supernatural.  Choose to walk not in your will, but in the will of Him who is beyond the natural and all that is old. 
     The scriptures tell us that He makes all things new.  Instead of making New Year’s resolutions that I typically do not keep, my mission today is to step out of my old ways, habits, and steps and do what I’ve never done before, but should have.  Walk in the newness of Spirit.

Happy New Year or Shannah

Scripture references:  Isaiah 43:19, Romans 6:4, II Corinthians 5:17

*From my new devotional book by Jonathan Cahn, The Book of Mysteries.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Blossoming 

Isaiah 35:1-2 "The desert and the parched land will be glad, the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom, it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy."

In the week following Christmas, I always enter into a time of reflection. Some personal, some about the future of my ministry, some about immediate needs and some about short and mid-range goals. In the midst of such serious assessment, a simple truth has softened my usual self analysis about "how did I get here? and where am I going now?" That simple truth is that nature sure is good at letting things unfold naturally.

Recently there has been some rain. Much needed and appreciated.  As a result, things are blooming already. Funny how that works. Rain plus sunshine plus time equals newness. Lately, the tears of grief, the sweat of hard work and the flood of drama has been saturating my life. It has been a long season of a lot of it. I am so ready for the blossoming to come now. With it will come new joy and gladness.

Isaiah mentioned crocuses. They are part of the Iris family. They grow from bulbs.  They are very hearty, can bloom in every season and literally burst open when they bloom. I am praying for blossoms as we begin a new year. Looking forward to the joy and gladness they will bring with them. May we remain planted in Him rejoice with every sign of a bloom-filled new year.

With Hope,
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

"O God"

Psalm 51:10-12 "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast Spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing Spirit, to sustain me."

This may very well be a near-perfect prayer. It is mine today. It is confessory, it is exalting, it is petitioning, it is boldly honest and humbly real. Pray this prayer with me as we seek Him together toward the new year.

May the Lord indeed create in us a pure heart and renew us. May He be ever-present with us and activate His Holy Spirit within us. May our joy come from our restoration and may we be willing to be sustained.

In Jesus Name,

Pastor Fred

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Deep Deep Love of Jesus

The Deep Deep Love of Jesus

Ephesians 3:18-19 "I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."

Sometimes songs just get to me. They reach down inside of me and pull out my own feelings. They say what I feel and how I feel. One such song is "The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus", written in 1875 by Samuel Trevor Francis. As a despondent teenager, contemplating suicide while standing on a bridge overlooking the River Thames, he had an epiphany about the depth of God's love. The first stanza goes like this...

"O the deep, deep love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless, free.
Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me.
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of Thy love.
Leading onward, leading homeward, to Thy glorious rest above."

Not sure all the reasons why this resonates with me so much. Perhaps my love of the ocean, coupled with my constant effort to surrender to His love, is a combination that speaks deeply to my soul. Oh how I desire to go with the flow of the current of His love. To do that I must relinquish control of everything to Him. After all, the only omnipotent one knows best, right? Fullness comes from Him, He measures it all and made it all and understands it all. So I need His love to help me with that. When I do surrender to Him, everything is indeed lovelier. Hope you do that today too.

 In Him,

 Pastor Fred

Friday, December 23, 2016

The 1st Christmas

What Was the First Christmas Really Like?

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David.  He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.  While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her first-born, a son.  She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

            Luke 2:4-7

            I love the Christmas season.  I love the cooler weather and the activity of the season.  In the past, I sometimes let that activity get to me, as I was scrambling to get those last minute gifts, most often during the day of Christmas Eve.  I would then huff and puff into Christmas Day, thankful that it had finally arrived so it could be over.  As I have grown older, however, my perspective has changed.  I seem to focus more on those close to me in my life and the love that exists between us.  

Therefore, when I knew that I would be authoring a Devotional during Christmas week, one thought kept running through my mind.  What was it like for Joseph and Mary, this young couple in love, during that first Christmas season?  What was their first Christmas really like?  It is really all summed up in the Scripture above.

Mary is pregnant, and not by Joseph.  They are pledged to be married, which had to bring ridicule to them even before their trip began.  They had to travel a distance of approximately 70 miles, and probably took one of two routes, the most direct route being very rugged.  Now, they did not travel in a luxurious SUV with heated seats and surround sound.  They walked and rode on a small donkey, exposed to the elements along the way.  They did not know where they would sleep each night on a journey that likely took at least five days.  Hotels and bathing facilities along the way?  Not likely.

How many of us would sign up for that trip?  Men, is this your ideal hiking trip with your wife?  Ladies, do you want to walk and ride 70 miles over relatively rugged terrain just as you are about to give birth to a child? 

When they arrive, it does not get better.  They are tired, dirty and likely hungry.  The baby is probably moving in the womb, causing great pain to Mary.  They cannot find lodging.  They have absolutely no clue what is going to happen, but for the fact that a baby will soon be born.  So they improvise.  They find a cave or stable.  Are there showers for bathing?  Is there a comfortable bed for Mary as she endures the pain of child birth?  Are there doctors and nurses tending to Mary?  Again, not likely.  Did they ever expect that the birth of their first child would be in this way and in this place?  What a way to start the parenting phase of their relationship!  Yet, it is in this setting and under these circumstances that God chose to bring the Savior of all mankind, men and women alike, into the world. 

So, on Sunday, when friends and relatives are over to your house, everyone is opening gifts before a fireplace, a huge feast is prepared, and as you begin to give thanks to God for all of the blessings in your life, pause and think about Mary and Joseph:  for them, what was that first Christmas really like?

Christmas blessings,


Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Gift, Part 4

Shared by Margie Johnson
To love the Lord with all your mind,
With all your heart and soul;
To live for Him, is great reward,
And to serve Him…your pleasure and goal.

Please know that His love is so real and so great;
It is yours, if you want it…or not.
But only the one who follows His Son,
Is forgiven of every blot.

My prayer is that this Christmas you’ll see…
Far greater than all you can gain for a fee,
Is the gift that’s not under the tree!

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Gift, Part 3

Shared by Margie Johnson
It’s the gift of life God offers to man
Through His Only Begotten Son;
It’s not mine to give ~ only mine to share,
And it’s offered to everyone.

In order to receive and call it your own,
You must first think, once or twice…
The gift is free; it’s through Jesus given,
Because He paid the price.

So before I go, I must let you know
Though you can’t earn God’s gift of life;
It will still cost you dearly; giving up your own will,
To deny self…is your sacrifice.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Gift Part 2

The Gift, Part 2
Shared by Margie Johnson
If only once-a-year, or two,
Or maybe once-a-week,
We acknowledge that Jesus Christ the Lord
Is real, but for whom we’ve no need…

Then we’ll not understand God’s salvation plan,
To bring us under His wings.
We’ll still be a slave, to sin and the grave…
And death will still have its sting.

God never intended we simply agree
That Jesus is kind and good.
It’s flowers God seeks and call to Himself;
Those whose heart find His Word to be true.

Isaiah 9:6-7
6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 

7 Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.  He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.  The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Gift, Part 1

The Gift, Part 1
Shared by Margie Johnson
Is there room in your heart for the gift from above?
For the gift that’s not under the tree;
The only one that won’t wear out;
The only gift precious…yet free!

The child born of a virgin 2,000 years ago,
Was not created by God above,
But was sent down to earth to save all mankind;
He was sent from the Father, with love.

It was for us He came; his enemies…
Due to our disobedient ways.
It was for us He came to pay the price
To bring us to His heavenly place.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

Friday, December 16, 2016

The Origin of the Christmas Symbols

Isaiah 9:6
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”.

CRECHE:  The first crèche, or manger scene, was created by St. Francis of Assisi in 1224.  He used live animals and people in his scene.  Today, many manger scenes are smaller models of wood or china or other materials.
CANDLES:  The custom of putting candles in windows on Christmas Eve is used by several countries, but always as a guide to the Christ Child, the Light of the World.  It was first brought to America by the Irish.
BELLS:  The custom of bell ringing at Christmas time is a symbol of the happy news of Christ’s birth.
STARS:  The stars are the symbols of the beautiful star of Bethlehem that led the Wise Men to the Christ Child.
POINSETTIA:  In 1828, Dr. Joel Roberts Poinsett brought the first poinsettias to America from Mexico.  He was serving as our first ambassador to that country.  The legend is that a Mexican boy had no gift for the Christ Child.  As he knelt to pray, a beautiful flower appeared at his feet.  This flowering plant, the poinsettia, became his present.
HOLLY & EVERGREENS:  In ancient days some people believed that holly would ward off evil spirits.  Christians believe that the berries stood for the blood Christ shed.  The leaves stood for His crown of thorns.  Evergreens stay green all year and bear fruit in the winter.  For this reason, they are a symbol of eternal life.
ORNAMENTS:  The first Christmas trees were decorated with real fruit, flowers and lighted candles.  These ornaments were too heavy and dangerous.  German glass blowers started making lighter glass balls as decorations.
CANDY CANES:  The candy cane has a long history dating back to the 15th century.  It has changed over the years from a white straight stick candy used to decorate Christmas trees to the current day shape of the Shepherd’s staff, or the letter “J” for Jesus.  The red stripes were added to represent the blood Christ shed for us and the white for His purity.
EMPTY BOX:  The story of the “Empty Box” reminds us that it is not the gift that is given, but the giving with love.  Giving gifts symbolizes the greatest gift of all, God’s gift of Christ Jesus.
May these symbols be a reminder of God’s peace and love that He offers to each of us at Christmas time and throughout the year.

Merry CHRISTmas to each of you.  Remember, JESUS is the REASON for the SEASON!

Ron Hodge

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Salvation and Strength

Isaiah 30:15
"In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it."

Wise words from the prophet Isaiah.  Lately, in these very reflective days, I have just kept repeating these words to my heart over and over again.  I definitely do not want said of me that I "want none of it".  Actually, I want lots of it.  Frankly, all of it.  Nothing is more helpful to me these days than to rest and be repentant.  Than to be quiet and simply trust Him.  Doing this is saving me and strengthening me.

I don't know how else to describe it to you than to say this; Seek the Lord humbly.  Surrender to Him.  Empty yourself.  Repent and rest.  Quietly trust Him and let Him assure you of your salvation, not only in the eternal sense, but save you also from the oppression of the moment, the pressing issues of this season and all the matters of today.  He will strengthen you and give you what you need.

Wise men and women indeed still seek Him and find Him in trust and quietness. Draw near to Him.  He is not only listening, He is responding to the earnest cry of our hearts.  I know this to be true.

In His Grip,

Pastor Fred 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Spread This

Luke 2:13-14

"Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests."

As I was preparing the message for the 4th Sunday of Advent, it came to me that whatever the great company of the heavenly host says is probably very safe to repeat.

Think about it. "Glory to God in the highest"... how could anything more appropriate be said?  Then, "On earth peace to men on whom His favor rests".. That would be us.  The favor of His redeeming love is the wonderful gift of eternal life.  What could bring more peace?

So today as Christmas approaches, say "Glory to God in the highest!"  Amen?  Amen!  and... receive His gift of peace and spread it around generously, because He has favored us with a blessing beyond measure.

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Fred 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Encouraging Comparison

1 John 3:16

"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.  And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters."

Between the verse and the title of this devotional, you may already know what encouraging comparison I am going to refer to today.  Yep... John 3:16.  One of the best known verses in the Bible.
Let's all say it together again. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."  Memorized from the King James version from when I was just a little boy. 

Read the two verses together. Kind of amazing huh?  Sounds to me like Jesus set an example for us of what love is.  It is unconditional, sacrificial and eternal.  Wow. Jesus also said this in John 15:13 "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."  He speaks of Himself.  The greatest love is what He gave.

Sounds to me like we should know what love is.  So, my friends, my brothers and sisters... Love one another, just like Jesus loves us.  The Bible tells us so.  A loving thought for today.

With His love,

Pastor Fred 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Standing At The Crossroads

Jeremiah 6:16
"This is what the Lord says, 'Stand at the crossroads and look: ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls'.  But you said, 'we will not walk in it."

I just want to reflect with you today.  This is what I thought when I first read this….I really want to know what the Lord says.  I am at a crossroads, what should I look for?

Lord, help me desire your path.  I want to go the good way.  Direct my path today.  Help me walk so I can rest my soul.

Lord, you know how I am, I can say this and not follow through.  I can be weak and distracted.  Help me take my good intentions more seriously.  Show me Lord.  Give me strength to not resist you.

 Bolster me.  I know how I can be.  Give me more direction throughout the day.  I need you.  Help me Oh God.  I love you.  Lead me past the crossroads and into your way.  Thank you Lord.

Your servant,

Pastor Fred

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Don't Be Caught By Surprise

Don't be caught by surprise
“A date which will live in infamy.”

Wednesday marks the 75th anniversary of the surprise attack on the naval installation at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese navy and the 353 Imperial Japanese aircraft, launched from six aircraft carriers.

At 7:48am, the attack began, with two waves of airborne destruction raining down on the American military installation. The eight U.S. battleships in port were all damaged; four were sunk. Cruisers, destroyers, an anti-aircraft ship and a minelayer - eight in all - were damaged or sunk. 188 American aircraft were destroyed; 2,403 Americans were killed, and 1,178 were wounded.

Caught unprepared, the defensive response on-site was minimal; only 29 attacking aircraft were downed, one midget submarine sunk, 64 service men killed, and one captured.

The reactions to the attack were multiple. In Hawaii, the immediate response was obvious and overwhelming: the dead and wounded required attention, and the destruction of the vital western naval presence called for emergency restoration. In Washington, America’s entry into the global conflict that would become World War II was sanctioned; first against Japan, and, then, against Germany and Italy. Within four days of the Pearl Harbor attack, America was at war on two fronts.

The view in the rear view mirror of history is always clear and obvious; the view through the windshield, into the future, is usually foggy and fractured. In the years since the invasion of Pearl Harbor, records of informed prognostications concerning an imminent attack on the Pearl Harbor resources by the growing Japanese naval power have come to light. Authorities as high as the president were forewarned but unresponsive. Prediction had not produced preparation; the most powerful country on the planet was caught unawares when the unimaginable occurred...

Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed a joint session of Congress the next day; 81% of Americans listened to his address - live - via radio. His opening line included the historic stamp on the attack: “A date which will live in infamy.” His speech took just seven minutes; a half hour later, Congress declared war on Japan, with only one vote in opposition. Two days later, Germany and Italy declared war on America; the next day, America accepted the challenge and reciprocated. For the next four years, life stopped around the world, and the attention of humanity was on the two-front conflict.

“The greatest and most momentous fact which the history of the world records is the fact of Christ’s birth.”

That was Charles Haddon Spurgeon, speaking 125 years ago. In the same address, he adds: “Christ is the great central fact of the world’s history. To him everything looks forward or backward.  All lines of history converge upon him. All the great purposes of God culminate in him.” If December 7th is “a date which would live in infamy,” Christmas - celebrated on December 25th - would be “the date which would live in eternity.”

It should have come of no surprise. Numerous warnings of the invasion had been recorded, hundreds of years before it happened: “The Lord himself will give you a sign: the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14)  When word of the invasion reached King Herod, he declared war on infants in/around Bethlehem, in an effort to defeat his Enemy.

World War II was over by 1945, but the war against the god of this world has continued until today. Make no mistake: the escalation of the conflict involving the arrival of the King - masqueraded as an innocent child - was the decisive move that would ensure ultimate victory.

Christmas celebrates the ultimate resolution of a timeless war epic that captures and refocuses the attention of every human being ever born. “The greatest and most momentous fact which the history of the world records...”
Bob Shank
The Master's Program

Monday, December 5, 2016

What We Know

"For we know, brothers loved by God, that He has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction." Thessalonians 1:4"
I could so easily say this of the family of believers at Grace Harbor Church. As a matter of fact, I know it. The brothers and sisters of the Body of Christ that I know as my church family were chosen by God. All believers are, but I know it about this church family because of the evidence of their belief.

That belief in the gospel of Christ is shown in many ways. It is illustrated through their love of Jesus, shown by their love for each other and anyone who comes here. Their faithfulness to fellowship and study shows that they believe with deep conviction. Their commitment to serving and giving is further evidence of faith beyond just words. I can see the powerful belief of my church family by their willingness to respond to need and to rally around those who are lonely, disenfranchised, sick or struggling.

My church family is powerful in Christ Jesus and I see the evidence of His power in the believers here because of the three defining features of who we are as a people of God. We are a family church, open to everyone without reservation. No matter what your circumstance or situation you are welcome at Grace Harbor. As our motto says, 'Come in from the storms of life and see what God is doing.'
Another feature of Grace Harbor is that we are a lighthouse of hope. The Holy Spirit keeps that light lit in the hearts of those who come here. We believe together that God is at work in and through us to care and to reach out to our community. His church here is not just about those who come, but those who are our friends, neighbors and community.

A third feature of who we are is that we make disciples here. We are totally committed to maturing in Christ. Those who call this church their home know that we teach from His Word and encourage discipleship through mentoring, Bible Study and personal commitment.
These words written to the Thessalonian church could have easily been said of Grace Harbor Church. Church should be about deep convictions, the power of the Holy Spirit and action. I pray that this ministry will continue to be who it is and reach out to our community. I know that the church that Grace Harbor is chosen by God for a purpose. I close with our Mission/Vision Statement.

"Our vision is to be a harbor of grace and a lighthouse of hope, healing and restoration for the lost, and unchurched. We are committed to bringing people to Jesus and membership in His family, developing them in to Christlike maturity, and equipping them for their ministry in the church and their life mission in the world, all to glorify God."

Glad to be a member of the Grace Harbor Church family,
Pastor Fred

Friday, December 2, 2016

Praise Him

God created us to praise him. 1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen people ... belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (NIV)  You can express your praises silently or declare them in a loud voice.  There is no right or wrong way.  You may even want to sing a song of worship.

Many people view the Christian life as a long list of “do's” and “don'ts.”  They haven’t yet discovered that spending time with God is a privilege that we get to do and not a chore or obligation that we have to do.

Be not discouraged because your life has not turned out so far the way you planned.  I am a firm believer that God has a set path for each one of are life’s for his glory.  All we need to humble ourselves and put HIM first in all of our daily endeavors.  HE will plot a course for us, make our paths straight and narrow if we are submissive to HIS perfect will.  

I know you have heard the saying “it is not all about us but what we can do to make a difference for others in this world”.  Our lives are just a short blip in time.  Let us be remembered as Christians that loved the Lord with all our Hearts, Minds, and Souls.  HE has already made the perfect sacrifice.  Our debt has been paid in full.
God Bless You Grace Harbor Family,

David L. Cunningham          

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Love Your Enemies

Matthew 5:43-48
"You have heard that it was said, "Love your neighbor and hate your enemy".  But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be children of your Father in heaven.  He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.  If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?  Are not even the tax collectors doing that?  And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others?  Do not even pagans do that?  Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

Tough lesson from Jesus Himself.  Lately, the vitriol and polarization in America has reached an all-time high.  A lot of mean words have been spewed, along with misinformation, disinformation and outright lies.  We seem to be losing the capability not only for civil discourse, but also the capacity to forgive or love.

By the way, forgiveness is the responsibility of the offended.  Jesus forgave and loved unconditionally.  We can choose whether or not we accept His forgiveness and love, but as He said..."It is finished".  It is His perfect will that we love our enemies, and those who persecute us.  This means we must even love those who are spewing hate.  Even those who are lying.  Even those on the other pole.  That kind of love is powerful.

We must make every effort to see all our fellow humans like God sees them.  They are individually worth Jesus Christ to God.  So, no one is worthless, no one is unforgivable, no one deserves to be hated, despised or denigrated.  God desires mercy and not revenge.  He makes it clear that vengeance is His and His alone.  Let the forgiveness flow and watch the apologies follow.  Not the other way around.

Love one another, love your enemies.  Even if they are wrong, evil or unrighteous.  Christ forgave me and commands that I forgive others.  Lord, forgive me for how I have not forgiven others and love me even when I am not loving.  Use me as an instrument of your peace.  Join me?

With His Love and mine,

Pastor Fred  

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

If His People Listen

"If my people but would listen to me..." Psalm 81:13a

In one form or another, God sure says this a lot in His Word. The implications are many. This is one of those phrases that best can be illustrated word by word. Let me reflect a little on each word to give us some direction for devotional consideration today.

IF...... this means of course that it could or could not necessarily happen. Depends on us. We get to choose whether or not we experience the promises that invariably follow God's ifs.

MY..... only those who are His get to consider this. If God uses the word my to describe me that means that I belong to Him. I am blessed thinking in those terms.

PEOPLE.... not leaders, priests, prophets or the most obedient ones only or those who are well off or doing well or who have lots of their act together. Just people, anybody, and everybody who is willing to be His.

BUT… this word always reminds me of my excuses. But, But, But. We always have a question, an exception, a special situation or condition, some "reason" to say but.

WOULD….. not just should or could but actually would. I know I should and I know I could, but would I? Would is where the commitment is implied and is about obedience.

LISTEN….. quietly, focused on Him without rolling our eyes or being distracted or trying to multitask. Listen with the goal being to hear, really hear what God is saying to us.

TO…….. this word simply directs the attention toward who we His people are supposed to be listening to.

ME.... obviously the me here is not you or me, it is Him. Isn't it interesting that when we hear the word me we automatically think of ourselves. We are so often the "first person" in our considerations, instead of Him.

When you slow it down a little it makes you think about just how often in the Bible we are asked to listen or hear. Probably, because we tend not to very often. Listening seems to be an acquired ability. Oh, we want the results or blessings or bottom line benefits, but not necessarily do we always want to hear what God is saying.

I wonder what God could do if we really listened. What would happen IF..... HIS PEOPLE.... WITHOUT BUTS... WOULD LISTEN... TO HIM.

When I do it makes a huge difference in my life, for the better. Hope this touches your heart with a sense of how much God is trying to reach us and that we have the opportunity to experience so much more.

IF we would. May you be enveloped in His will and grace today.


Pastor Fred

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Why Be Kind

Proverbs 12:25
"Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up."

Anxiety is very heavy, but kindness really lightens life's load.  Scripture is clear, "Be anxious for nothing".  Easy to say and easy to believe in a sense.  But, it does not eliminate anxiety.  We worry and stress, mostly unnecessarily.  The overwhelming majority of the things we are anxious about, never come to pass, but we too often fear the worse.
This verse illustrates that anxiety can be a load, but just one kind word can tip the scales in the other direction.  The power of kindness is underestimated.  The load of our worries seem insurmountable at times, but His grace is sufficient.  Please allow me to speak kindness into your life today from my heart.

God loves you.  He knows your need, your hurt and your concerns.  He already knows how it works out.  He has plans for you.  He spoke the world into existence.  Your life came from Him, is sustained by Him and will be with Him forever.  His promises are true.  He is immutable . He is omnipotent.  He cares for you.  Cast all your cares on Him.  His loving kindness is perfect.  He has overcome the world.  There is nothing too great for Him.  Praise Him and trust Him.

By His Spirit,

Pastor Fred

Friday, November 18, 2016

Faith, Hope and Love

I Corinthians 13:13

And now abide faith, hope, and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

At least a couple of days out of each week, I get the privilege of making my bed.  You’re probably thinking to yourself, “What kind of a sick person thinks that making the bed is a privilege?”   Call me crazy if you like, but for me, it is therapeutic on many levels.  First, it allows me to display one of the skills I learned and perfected in the Marine Corps.  As my wife frequently says, “Nobody makes a bed like Henry”!  I do get a measure of satisfaction in doing something and doing it well, even if it is something as mundane as making a bed.

Secondly, it gives me a chance to be of service.  It blesses me and makes me smile knowing that someone appreciates something I’ve done for them.  Besides, I DO sleep in the bed, too, right?  It’s only fitting and proper that I should make it when I have the opportunity to do so.  And I will admit that I actually like having a nice, neat bed to crawl into at the end of a long day.  There’s just something very comforting about that. 

Lastly, making the bed reminds me of today’s Scripture passage, which is the foundation for my philosophy of life.  You knew I was going to get around to tying it in somehow, didn’t you?  But how does it remind me of today’s passage, you ask?  Well, let me explain…You see, my wife is the decorator of our bedroom, so we have pillows everywhere.  Big ones, small ones, lacy ones, fluffy ones.  What can I say, she likes pillows.  Anyway, 3 of the small pillows are embroidered with the words “Faith”, “Hope”, and “Love”.  Every time I see them, I think about what each word means to me.  Faith:  Having a belief in something bigger than yourself, even if you can’t see it with your own eyes. Just knowing that ANYTHING is possible, thanks to the One who is in control of everything!  Hope:  Never giving up, even when the odds seem overwhelming. With God, there is always reason for hope.  Love:  The GREATEST!  Nothing is better, more powerful, or capable of changing things than love.  Even in a world seemingly overcome with hate, love is triumphant!  I firmly believe that if you have a little faith, never lose hope, and share love, that you can change the world in which we live, and help to make it a better place for everyone!  Isn’t that just the GREATEST?  

Love in Jesus,


Thursday, November 17, 2016

How Great And How Profound

Psalm 92:5

"How great are your words Lord, how profound your thoughts."

This is not a question.  David is making a statement of God's immeasurable greatness and total profundity.  No one any greater, no one more profound.  What is great and profound about God? That question is answered in this verse.  His words are great!  Why?  Because they are the Very Word of God.  They are true and eternal, infallible and perfect.

So then, what is profound about God?  His thoughts!  He does not think like us.  This is why we must desire to have the mind of Christ.  It is the only way we can be like-minded.  His thoughts are also perfect, infallible, true and eternal.

Sometimes I think I know it all and other times I think I know nothing.  At both times I should think...."How great are your words Lord, how profound your thoughts."  That should help keep me in perspective.  And I need that all the time.

In His Truth,

Pastor Fred 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Believing Is Saying

Psalm 91:2

" I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

Two questions.  When it comes to my faith... 1. Do I believe what I say?  2. Do I say what I believe?

I believe the first question must be answered first.  Do we really believe what we say we believe?  Or, do we just say stuff that sounds right or sounds Biblical, or is like other things that other believers say?  Maybe a better question is... Do we know what we believe?  Good question.

The second question is especially important if we know what we believe, because believing it is one thing and saying it is another.  We probably don't speak our faith enough.  Questions from the verse could be ... Is the Lord your God, our refuge and our fortress?  And...Do we trust Him?

If He really is and we really do, and we really believe it, we should say it more often.  The Word of God is truth.  We should speak it often as what we believe.

Speaking His truth,

Pastor Fred 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Psalm 91:1
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."

Sometimes when I talk about needing sleep, what I really need is rest.  I am not so much sleepy as I am weary.  I am weary from worry, weary from stress, weary from trouble.  I know this is not a sleep issue, because after I awake following a great sleep, those concerns are still there.  So this Psalm gives me an antidote.  A prescription for my weariness.  A clue as to how to rest.

I think the key to the whole verse is the word 'dwell'.  The Hebrew word for dwell is 'yashab' which is defined as sit, remain or abide.  The original language is often so illustrative.  I cannot rest much while standing.  Sitting helps to settle me down.  I often need to be 'sat down' in order for me to listen or focus.  'Remaining' carries some connotation for me also.  I need to stay put for a while in order to rest.  Remaining longer than I want can be good for me.

The last piece of the definition is equally as meaningful. 'Abiding' is vital.  Not only should I sit and stay, I should be tethered to Him.  Abiding in Him.  Connected permanently. I know I am, but to practice it is deeper.  Hope this offers the weary a way to consider rest.  I say I want it, but am I willing to do it?

Oh how wonderful and peaceful the shadow of the Almighty is.  Like nothing else.  Jesus would ask us to sit, remain and abide.  When we do, the rest will come.

In His Presence,

Pastor Fred 

Monday, November 14, 2016

A Lesson About The Sea

Job 38:8-11 "Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb, when I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it and thick darkness, when I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars and place when I said, “This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt”?

It is Friday today.  I am writing devotionals for next week.  I often write in view of the ocean.  I cannot adequately express my love for the sea.  The beauty, the power, the awesomeness and the serenity.

This passage from Job that describes the sea from God's perspective as the One who created it is amazing to me.  Probably why my attraction to it is so deep because I both love it and have an awesome fear of it too.  Like God.  Similar feelings.  God gives me life and someday will take my life into eternity.

I would not last long in the ocean without help.  I am not a strong swimmer.  I do plan to have my ashes put in the sea.  Maybe that represents my oneness with God.  My soul will be with My God and my Savior forever in heaven.  For now I will serve Him here.  But this ocean is somehow how I get close.  He shows me His love, grace, beauty, power and hope here.

Receiving that from this view and His Word today.

Pastor Fred

Friday, November 11, 2016

Strength and Encouragment

Today, just three (3) scripture verses that have given me strength and encouragement at really low points in my life:

“But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham my friend, I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you.  I said, ‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you and have not rejected you.  So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  “All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish.  Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them.  Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all.  For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you.  Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob, little Israel, do not fear, for I myself will help you,” declares the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.”  Isaiah 41:8-14

“Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all His benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. He made known His ways to Moses, His deeds to the people of Israel: The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.  He will not always accuse, nor will He harbor His anger forever; He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.  For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.”  Psalm 103:2-13

“On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine—the best of meats and the finest of wines.  On this mountain He will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; He will swallow up death forever.  The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; He will remove His people’s disgrace from all the earth.  The Lord has spoken.”  Isaiah 25:6-8

John Adams

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Two Commands

I John 3:23
"This is His command: to believe in the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as He commanded us."

Believe and love.  Pretty simple, but not always easy.  But they do go together and feed off each other.  This is not a choice or advice.  This is not an option.  God commands both.

If we really believe we will love, and the more we love, the more deeply we can believe.  We love because He loves us, not because we deserve it.  I can be unlovable.  Love me anyway. Jesus does.  Same for you.  I know you can be hard to love too.  I must love you anyway.  Love wins.

God is love. His love is the greatest.  This is what inspires me to love and to be loved.  No matter what happens today we are commanded to believe in Him and to love one another.  No matter what.

Join me in doing what He commands. Believe and love one another.

With His Love,

Pastor Fred 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Lord's Prayer

Lord's Prayer

Matthew 6:9-13

"This then is how you should pray....
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever.  Amen."

No commentary.... just pray it with me a couple more times and let it sink in.

With His Love and mine,

Pastor Fred

P.S. I wrote this from memory, so it may be Revised Standard Version from when I was 13 and memorized it. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Philippians 4:12

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any situation."

As you probably know, life is a series of ups and downs.  A cycle of joy and sorrow, easier times and harder times, successes and failures, peace and conflict.

Paul understood that sometimes his needs were met and sometimes not.  Sometimes his situation was inspiring, sometimes almost unbearable.  He says he has learned the secret to dealing with life.  He shares that secret in Philippians 4:13... "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."  Paul has learned that in his own strength he cannot handle everything that life brings, from one end of the spectrum to the other.  That doesn't mean that he handled everything perfectly and easily from this verse forward.

Even when we know the secret, we forget, or are weak, or rebellious, or don't apply the truth we know.  I am sure Paul struggled with pride and self-pity, like we all do, even after penning these insightful words.

For me, I am still learning and won't stop.  I am weak, do not apply truth and sometimes forget.  I also have pride issues and am self-pitying.  But, as I confess that, I also know that I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Lord forgive me and forgive us all. We need you.

Humbly in His Service,

Pastor Fred 

Friday, November 4, 2016

So Much Good Stuff From Isaiah

“So Much Good Stuff from Isaiah – The Prophet”

As I was working on getting the materials ready for the Thanksgiving Food Baskets for this year, I was reminded what this is all about as I read our G.U.I.L.D. motto our loud “Is it not to share your food with the hungry… when you see the naked, to clothe him?  Isaiah 58:7

Thanksgiving is probably my favorite of the holidays because it forces me to just take the time to stop and think about how much I have to be thankful for.  How wonderful it is at this time of the year to remember the number of people in our lives that we’re so thankful to know.  For some, this time of the year is very difficult for them because they may be going through a season in their lives where they don’t feel there is that much for which to be thankful.  That’s where I think that we, as Christian brothers and sisters, come into the mix.  It is the very time we, because we are thankful for all that we have - food, clothing, shelter, family, friends, freedom, cars, and the list goes on, that it’s only natural we should want to and do bless others.  We can take a lesson from our elementary school students and their parents here at Grace Harbor School who are doing exactly that.  They are collecting much needed staple items of all sorts, assembling them in Ziploc plastic bags, and placing them in their cars, so that they have supplies readily accessible to pass out to homeless people they come across.  I’m sure that it pleases God that we don’t take our name lightly – we are truly a “harbor of grace” for those that need to see Him in action.

One of my devotionals (A Woman’s Daily Prayer Book) this week was based on another “good stuff” Isaiah verse – “Learn to do good, seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow.” Isaiah 1:17  The author  noted, and I wholeheartedly agree, that “learning to do good for the sake of others is one of life’s most fulfilling endeavors”.

As it was her prayer in that devotional, which I will share you, in its entirety, is the hope that it will be the prayer of many of you, and that it speaks to your hearts:

            “Lord, teach me how to help and defend the vulnerable people around
me – the children the sick, the infirm, the elderly, the poor.  They are
easily taken advantage of by those more powerful than they are, but I
know you have a special place in your heart for them.  Help me not to
look the other way, when intervening would be inconvenient or
scary. Grant me your wisdom, insight, and grace to effectively help
wherever and whenever I can.Amen

I will not have the chance to share another devotional before Thanksgiving, so I will take this opportunity to wish all of God’s children a blessings-filled Thanksgiving.  We welcome you to join us every Sunday at Grace Harbor for Children’s Sunday School and Adult Bible Study at 9:00 a.m. and Sunday Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.

Love In Him,


Thursday, November 3, 2016

The 23rd Psalm

Psalm 23
 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures,  He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul, He leads me in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me, Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, You anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

Some days I just need something I know for sure in my heart. In the face of the unknown, uncontrollable and unbelievable, this I know and this I believe because My Shepherd controls everything. I trust Him implicitly.


Pastor Fred

Friday, October 28, 2016

Let Peace Rule

Colossians 3:15
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

We are conflicted at birth.  I think we may be conflicted at conception.  Babies come out kicking and screaming and needing constant attention.  From there our old sin nature begins.
We are born in sin.  Yet when we are reborn or "born again" (saved)... we are called to peace and the formula for reconciliation is in our hearts.  Peace within and peace with others.  There is one key word and one key phrase in this verse that put this all in perspective.  The word is "let".  We must LET peace rule.  Which means we have to give up control.

The phrase is "And be thankful", which sounds like an addendum to the peace verse but is not connected to the next verse so it belongs here because thankfulness which leads to gratitude can help us maintain peace.

The Word says we are conflicted often because we don't get what we want.  That is a problem because we aren't grateful for what we have.  Comparisons and jealousy lead to conflict.  So today I am going to LET peace rule and be thankful.  Maybe tomorrow and the next day too.

In Him,

Pastor Fred