Wednesday, January 2, 2019

“We Are Children Of God”

Roman's 8:16 "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God..."

Being a child of God has always brought me tremendous comfort. Early in my walk with Christ, I knew that He lived in me and I in Him. I knew I was His child. His Spirit in me assured me of that truth. I had a literal spiritual birth when He became my Lord, my Father and my Savior. We don't talk enough about ourselves in terms of our spiritual being. I love the words "The Spirit Himself". So personal. So real. Such a witness to the truth of my salvation. When we are "born again" or come to the knowledge of the saving grace of Christ, it is a real experience. I think that is why I begin the majority of my prayers by saying "Father God,". I am His child. I hope you think deeply about your relationship with Him today. May "The Spirit Himself" reveal to you, who you are in Him.

In Him,
Pastor Fred