Friday, April 28, 2017

 Daily Devotional by Charlotte Adams

“His (God’s) Compassions Never Fail”

The title comes from one of my favorite Scripture verses from Lamentations because it is just that gentle reminder that I need daily, and oftentimes, more than once throughout the day.

The set up:
“I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness
and the fall.  I well remember them and my soul is downcast
within me.  Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope.
Lamentations 3:19-21

The promise:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.  I say to myself, “The Lord is my
portion; therefore, I will wait for Him.”  The Lord is good
to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him.
Lamentations 3:22-24

I don’t know what’s happening in your life right now, but I know that for me, and for so many around me whose stories I do know, there seems to be these recurring themes of “life interruptions” or “why me, and why is God not fixing this”, as we are encountering things that have been placed in our lives for which there seem to be no solution.  The joy, peace, and contentment that we all seek has been seemingly somehow overshadowed as we are grappling with how to respond to these circumstances in ways that would be pleasing and honoring to our God.

However, I may have just identified the problem in that the solutions and resolutions are not within our power to accomplish, but solely within God’s power, so we must look to Him.  That means relinquishing control (which we don’t have anyway), and trusting that God is going to supply us with what we need in our struggles so that we are equipped to handle whatever comes our way.  Our only hope is in God and we must therefore go to Him in our weakness, depending solely on him.  May we be comforted by knowing that what we might view as our weakness, and inability to handle things, God uses as an opportunity for us to draw close (closer) to Him and depend on Him. I am feeling a sense of relief as I just wrote that.  Hope you did as well.  Therefore, I will wait on Him.  Thank you Lord.         
Have a very blessings-filled weekend and week. We welcome you to join us Sundays at Grace Harbor for Children’s Sunday School and Adult Bible Study at 9:00 a.m. and Sunday Worship Service at 10:00a.m.

Love in Him,

Thursday, April 27, 2017

 “Consecrate Yourself”

Joshua 3:5
“Then Joshua said to the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves’ for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”

Before God’s people crossed the Jordan river they consecrated themselves. They went through a sacrificial process preparing themselves for what God would to do the next day. The priest would first take the Ark of the Covenant across the river, then the people would follow. God miraculously demonstrated His presence, power, and purpose for the people by holding back the downward stream of the river so that they could cross through a dry riverbed.

To be right before God is to be ready for every good thing He will do. Often our next step is to consecrate ourselves so we are ready for God to do what He will do. I wonder what we miss, have missed, and will miss because we don’t get ready by getting right with God. I know I need to consider this more often. Here are some steps for consecration.

1. Dedicate yourself to God.
2. Reflect on your motives.
3. Repent
4. Separate from evils of this world.
5. Draw closer to God.

Of course prayer, time in His word, solitude and silence, service, fasting and journaling can help in this quest. Is your devotion to God uppermost in your mind, choices, and actions? We would see more of His wonders if we were consecrated and re-consecrated more often.

In His Grip,

Pastor Fred

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

“How The Lord Is”

Psalm 111:4b "The LORD is gracious and compassionate."

There are of course a lot of things that can be said of The LORD. Too many to write. The Bible itself says there are too many to be written in all the books ever written. These two attributes are good for me today. On a day where I am having a hard time focusing. On a day when my heart is soft. On a day when I don't have much to say, or shouldn't. My LORD is gracious and compassionate on a day when I am not feeling it. I am kind of having a blah day. Not particularly inspired, or convicted, or upset or anything. I have accomplished a little, avoided a lot and let the rest go. But, my LORD is gracious and compassionate.

This humbles me, blesses me, encourages me and comforts me. Gonna be ok. I have the rest of this day, and tomorrow, God willing. I will just try to reflect that my LORD is gracious and compassionate. On some days that has got to be good enough. On every day it is good to remember that. Especially when that is what you need to hear over and over again. The LORD is gracious and compassionate.

In Him,

Pastor Fred

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

“Good News”

Mark 6:6 “And He wondered at their unbelief. And He was going around the villages teaching.”

Sometimes in my life, I just need to read about Jesus. What He did and what He said. This verse is responding to the skeptical and indifferent reactions to ministering in His own hometown. Many seriously discounted Him because they thought they knew of Him, but they didn’t really know Him.

The preceding verses indicate they were actually offended by Him. Rather than take offense at their offense, (That alone is some good counsel.) He summons His disciples and empowers them and sends them out by twos, and says that if they get rejected, to shake it off. (More good counsel by the way.) They go and are effective and blessed and many miracles happen and lives are changed.

Jesus decided to use His disciples to be more effective even while He was still here. How much more so now? Our Lord wants His Good News shared, however the truth reaches people the best. We might want to try teaming up to witness and minister to people. Whatever works right? After all, our job is to minister to unbelief, not judge it. If it doesn’t work, shake it off and move on and keep sharing.

Being the Good News with you,

Pastor Fred

Monday, April 24, 2017


Proverbs 16:22 "Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed."

Sometimes my frustration is caused by me not seeking counsel. I can be tempted to be the Lone Ranger or a Committee of One. Hey, if I am a one-man team there is no question about who the Captain is, right? Unless I get into an argument with myself I can do as I please, or think best. At times that just seems easier.

We all need to learn how to corroborate and collaborate more often. Invariably, if we do not get at least a little input or feedback before we act unilaterally, we miss the best plan. I also believe the old ages about "too many cooks in the kitchen" and "too many chiefs and not enough Indians". 

So, can we get more counsel without bogging down? Can we bring people on board before we launch? I think so. It may take a little compromise and a bit of tact or concession, but it can be done. Believers can especially do this when we pray, listen carefully and be sensitive to the Spirit's leading. Seeking His input and respecting other's opinions is not easy but wise.

In Him,

Pastor Fred

Friday, April 21, 2017

Daily Devotional provided by Colleen Jilio-Ryan 

“A Prayer of Contentment” by Kevin Halloran 

"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing." Psalm 21:1

Do you ever feel restless in your spirit? Is there something you want, something you are waiting for, or something you feel like you'll never have? Oh how our hearts love to covet...but Christ has given us freedom to be content and live righteously. The following is a prayer for finding contentment:

Oh Lord, You are my shepherd and I should not be in want,
but so often I struggle to be content and do want;
forgetting that you have graciously provided me with every spiritual blessing in Christ
and everything I need for life and godliness.
Thank you for often not giving me what I want
because my desires would draw my heart from being satisfied in You.
Help me to be content in You with what You have given me
and to not be focused on what my flesh wants or the world tells me I should have.
Protect me from coveting possessions or people,
talent or influence, relationships or prestige.
Keep my heart from being anxious for what I don’t have
and make me thankful for the numerous gifts that You have already given.
According to Your Word and steadfast love,
fill me with the joy and satisfaction of contentment in Christ.
Help me learn to be content in any situation like Paul
and to quickly reject the idolatry that dwells beneath the surface of my coveting.
I ask you to continually bring to mind your faithful provision for all of my needs,
that Christ died for the sin of coveting,
that in Christ I am free to be content and live righteously,
and that godliness with contentment is greater gain than pleasing my flesh.
And may I be humbled and changed by the ultimate example of contentment;
of Christ becoming poor in order that I could become rich,
and being content to go to the cross to fulfill the Father’s will
to rescue a people for Himself who can be free from discontent and zealous for good works.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

“A Good Word”

Proverbs 13:25 "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but a good word makes it glad."

God's Word, The Bible is to be studied word by word and altogether too. The troubles of this world are to be put securely in God's hands, we know this, but it is not easy to do. Philippians 4:6 says "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Pretty clear.

So, each day this battle between the anxieties and good words rages. I think we need more good words to tip the balances. The Bible is convicting and encouraging. Even the encouragement can be convicting. Lord knows I am not without a conscience. Today I am going to spread more good words to lessen the anxieties. I am praying about this as I write it. God help us all to spread some more gladness today. This lightens my heart just suggesting it. How about you?

With gladness and thanksgiving,
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Daily Devotional
Isaiah 40:28 "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, The LORD, The Creator of the ends of the earth, does not become weary or tired, His understanding is inscrutable."

I have begun studying in the New American Standard Bible (NASB) version again after many years mostly spent in the New International Version (NIV) and some in New King James (NKJV).

For me NASB is not only a more literal translation from the original languages, it uses so much more of a richer vocabulary. For example, in this passage the word inscrutable is used instead of the phrase "no one can fathom". So I look up inscrutable for a better understanding and it says... "incapable of being investigated, scrutinized or analyzed, impenetrable, unfathomable". Wow, have you not heard? Do you not know? The Everlasting God, The LORD, The Creator of the ends of the earth... not only does not grow weary or get tired, He also cannot be scrutinized, analyzed or investigated.

I call on all humans to abandon your senseless efforts to disprove God because He and His Truth are impenetrable. Now that is my inscrutable LORD. So keep talking "big thinkers" because that is what you are really good at. Meanwhile God is sustaining the universe. Even Isaiah understood that more than 2700 years ago.

Pastor Fred

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

“Seek Him Earnestly”

“I will go away and return to My place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek My face; In their affliction they will earnestly seek me.” Hosea 5:15

We are much more likely to seek the Lord during affliction. He knows this. Especially self-inflicted affliction. The Lord sometimes allows us to twist in our trouble until we are willing to admit our wrong doing and repent. We want relief from the messes we make, but must turn to Him in humility, and surrender whatever it is. It is easier to face our foolishness than to keep dealing with our afflicted conscience.

This affliction can be called being heart sick. The intersection of our conscience and our heart’s desire to get right with God. We fight our pride, and the excuses it makes to justify our poor choices and sinful decisions. This is why we must have a turn of heart, and seek mercy and restoration.

Learning the hard way is never easy by definition, but it is easier than we think or than the devil would deceive us to believe. His mercy is sweet and His grace is sufficient. No matter what it is, seek the Lord’s face with an earnest heart, and see what He will do.

In His grip,

Pastor Fred

Monday, April 17, 2017

 “He is Faithful”

Proverbs 11:25
“The generous man will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be watered.”

God is faithful. He provides. He makes a way, even when there seems to be no way. When I trust, when I surrender, when I seek Him wholeheartedly, when I am practicing sincere humility, when I wait on Him and desire His will above all else, I sense, and see, and appreciate, His provision so much more.

In several dry seasons of my life, as I resisted the temptation to grow cold or bitter, He has brought times of refreshing when needed; cups of cold water, shade, a gentle breeze, encouragement, just what I needed to restore me…sometimes a friend, or a kind word, or His supernatural joy, or peace, or unprompted contentment. He waters me or uses something or someone to somehow remind me that I should stay the course or keep the faith or keep on keeping on. I just need to breathe and thank Him for my next breath. Just do what He prompts me to do in the moment or for the day. He is faithful. He provides.

Me, I need to be generous, and keep on sharing, and giving, and caring. Sometimes I need to remember to keep it simple and let it be uncomplicated. God is good and I am very, very blessed. How about you? Hope so.

In Him,
Pastor Fred. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

“God’s Word”

Proverbs 16:20
“He who gives attention to the word, will find good, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord.”

Like you my mind can drift when I am reading. The other senses get activated and our sight gets disconnected. Some issues with listening. Plus, our enemy is very unsupportive of us being reminded of His truth or goodness by any means. If we pay attention to God in any way God will bless us in some way. God sheds His light on our efforts to seek Him. 

As His word says in the New Testament… “Seek and you will find.” Don’t you love how consistent His word is? It is self-proving, self-fulfilling, and self-revealing. It is living and active. This, in and of itself is a wonderful blessing. Read it and receive it. Hear it and believe it. Let it be what it is. His Truth. His Revelation. His Story. God’s goodness is revealed on every page. The blessing is in trusting it, knowing it, and applying it. Trust in the Lord and in His word.

This is so good,

Pastor Fred. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

“Lessons from Physical Therapy”

Ephesians 4:16 "From Him the whole body, fitted and knit together by every supporting ligament, promotes the growth of the body for building up itself in love by the proper working of each individual part. "

Recently I have been going to physical therapy for my knee. I have no cartilage left in it, so I was dubious it would do any good, they can't rebuild cartilage with physical therapy. The therapist explained that while he could not rebuild it, he could work on the muscles and ligaments supporting the knee. They could be trained to take over some of the function and provide relief that would result in more mobility and less pain.

That is what we are to do with each other as believers. When one of us is suffering or lacking, we can act as support, provide relief, and reduce pain. It is ok to rely on each other and we need to look for ways to provide support.

Walking a little better in Him,
Angie Wahl

Monday, April 10, 2017


Proverbs 25:17 "Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles..."

Caught myself kinda doing this recently. Really had to check myself. Trouble was beginning to visit someone who had hurt someone I love and there was a part of me that loved it. By the way, are brothers and sisters in Christ ever really our enemies? We have a real enemy you know. One who hates us and seeks to destroy us. Hate him for sure. But, someone who is struggling and failing, and who is probably being attacked by our mutual enemy, this is not my enemy. But, when I read these verses I realized that I was glad when someone was stumbling. Treating them as if they were an enemy of God.

We, in the Body of Christ are not each other's enemies. Note... we too often treat brothers and sisters with this awful kind of nastiness and this scripture is telling us to not even treat our real enemies that way. God is in charge of justice. He judges. Someone you don't like or doesn't like you, is not your enemy. Someone who is acting out or up is not your enemy. Our real enemy sure turns us on each other. Our Lord wants us to forgive each other. Who is influencing you about how to respond to those who hurt you or hurt those you love?

No matter how much trouble somebody is, we should treat brothers and sisters especially well and even our real enemies with more compassion than we do. In the current climate of "tit for tat", parsing words and a mean-spirited free for all.... brothers and sisters, do not treat God's children like enemies. And... treat your enemies better. No more being glad or rejoicing when anybody falls or even stumbles. Something to think and pray about.

With Conviction,

Pastor Fred

Friday, April 7, 2017

"Lukewarm Christian" by David Cunningham

But because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I am going to spit you out of my mouth! (Revelation 3:16 NIV)
To quote Christi Given from Project Inspiration- The term " lukewarm Christian" derives from the idea of lukewarm water, which is no good taste-wise, is bland and is not useful in some ways. This term is referred to by Jesus in (Revelation 3) when He mentions so-called "Christians (Christ Followers) or believers will cry out and not understand why they cannot enter the Kingdom.  
The answer is that they simply believed but did not follow Jesus. They believed enough to scrape by, but remember the demons even believe and they shudder (James 2:19). YES, it is by FAITH you are saved, not of yourself, but if you lack spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22) and evidence of your spiritual walk (not by outward performance) and a life of worship, it leads you to be a stranger to Christ. 
I understand that (LIFE) is hard sometimes, and we can get caught up in the day to day shuffle to just get by. I don't know about you, but the term (lukewarm Christians) leaves me convicted to stop straddling the fence.
I believe a few ways we can start a revival in our lives is by reading HIS word on a daily basis, by getting back into fellowship with other (BELIEVERS), and to infuse more praise and worship through spiritual music in our lives to help get us back in the right mindset and a deeper relationship with Christ.
 Let us no longer be a lukewarm Christian, but it is time that we rekindle our furnace now and get back "On Fire for the LORD". 
Made in His Image <><,

David L. Cunningham

Thursday, April 6, 2017

“Who Is This?”

Matthew 21:10 "When He had entered Jerusalem, all the city was stirred, saying, "Who is this?"

Oh how we should hope that this would be the burning question in response to this season. Not about church, not about issues, nor about hypocrisy, or about programs, buildings or anything or anyone other than Jesus. We want to do what we do and say what we say so that people will ask about Jesus. After all, He is the main thing. He is what will really stir things up. If you don't think so, try dropping His Name in a conversation. He is what it is all about. The reason the people asked the question was because His followers were treating Him like a King. When Jesus is the main thing, when He is King, people will ask questions. The right questions. Let's do what puts the focus on Him, He will do the rest. Who is this, anyway? This is Jesus, our Lord and King.

In Him,

Pastor Fred 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Psalm 71:5 "For You are my Hope, O Lord GOD, You are my confidence from my youth."

I am reminded from time to time about my youth. I remember being so very, very zealous about my faith. He, The Lord GOD indeed was my hope and confidence. Not me, not anything made by man, not anything of this earth.... GOD Himself was my all in all. My everything. I still feel that way, but life can take a toll on one's zeal. I desire to find that boldness again. I don't want to be young again, I just want to have the passion for Him that drove me every day to be bold. To be full of zest and zeal. To have Him daily be my confidence and hope.

David got in touch with something from when he was younger. Not a fountain of youth, but a fountain of faith. Join me in seeking that inner zeal from when you first knew The LORD. Don't just reminisce about it, re-energize and recommit. Lord, restore the hope and confidence of our youth, so we can share You as the Hope and Confidence of our youth today.

With His Hope and Confidence,

Pastor Fred

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

"God's Grief" 

Genesis 6:5-6 "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and he was grieved in his heart."

I am not totally sure why this passage of scripture moved me to tears today. Maybe for my part in grieving God. Maybe because of the condition of the world because if the wickedness of humanity. Maybe because of my sorrow for stuff I have started and regretted. Maybe my tears are gratefulness for God's grace in my life, or the mercy I have been shown. Probably the accumulative effect of all those things I thought. But, I honestly remember the moment I was moved to tears as I read. I was convicted that I could grieve God in His heart because of what my heart is capable of on any given day. So today, because of His grace, Lord, give me strength and resolve to not grieve God and to continually surrender my heart. I would like to just not be as much trouble today. So sorry for any grief I add to what goes on in this world.

Lord forgive me. How about you?

Pastor Fred

Monday, April 3, 2017

Daily Devotional by Angie Wahl


Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

I am not sure about you but I can get impatient. I hate waiting for traffic lights and I especially dislike "challenging " drivers, those who drive too slow for me or don't look before turning or changing lanes. Needless to say this means I am NOT thinking about all the whatevers in this verse, in fact, quite the opposite.

I have been convicted of this recently so I have been led in a new direction. When feeling challenged, try spotting someone doing a GOOD job in traffic. Someone who slows to let you in, or navigates multiple lane changes without disrupting traffic. Take a moment to think: "great job." This changes your "whatevers" and you will find yourself thinking on what is excellent, praise worthy etc. This works in the workplace and grocery stores too!  Let's stop "stinkin' thinkin'"

One day at a time with His guidance,

Angie Wahl